Category Archives: Croatia

Croatia Votes to Join EU


a blue flag with yellow stars
European Union flag

Croatia voted to join the European Union in 2013.
Sixty-Six percent voted yes in the referendum with almost all votes counted.
“Provided all 27 member states ratify its accession, the Adriatic state will enter the EU on July 1, 2013”

a red white and blue flag
Croatia flag

Some believe that joining the EU will ensure political stability, others were not so positive, feeling that joining would lead to the end of Croat freedom. “The EU is falling apart and the Croatian man will be worse off than today”. Turnout was low at 44% of eligible voters.

Time will tell as to how this benefits Croatia and Europe as a whole. The EU seems to be in lots of trouble with the richer countries needing to constantly bail out the poor.
I personally am not a fan of the EU. I find that the unifying of Europe has taken away from each countries independence and differences. I’ve always loved traveling to various countries with each having their own currency and border control.

No border control= no passport stamp, the badge that this traveller covets and loves to proudly show off. πŸ™‚ The EU has in a way made each country more comparable to a state in the US.

To read the Reuters article click here