Last week I wrote about a way to earn up to 45,000 Marriott Rewards points for being social.
When you Connect and Collect, you earn free points for posting on Instagram and Twitter during campaigns. Around 3-4 campaigns are supposed to launch each month and I just came across the first one.
In the current campaign, which is being ran through Twitter, all you need to do is respond with a tweet to this question: If I could learn to cook any type of food, it would be_______ or you could tell Marriott, what’s your culinary dream.
For those of us who synced social accounts with Marriott #RewardsPoints, we can earn an easy 50 Marriott Rewards Points for responding to their tweet which you can do here.
I tweeted that I’d like to do a tour of the top pizzerias around Italy!
Within moments, I had an e-mail from Marriott Rewards with the subject: “Success! Your points have arrived.”
While 50 Marriott Rewards points might not seem like much, I’ll take it any day, just for sending a tweet which takes seconds! I just wish there was a way to get an alert when new #RewardsPoints campaigns are launched.
Did you link your social accounts to Marriott Rewards? If you’ve seen any other campaigns recently, please let us know.
Christine Hall- Click the first link in this post which has a post about the program and where to link accounts.
Can you remind us how to link social media accounts with Marriott. (I couldn’t find it on their website.) Looking, in particular, for how to link Facebook and Instagram.
Billy Bob- Just reply to Marriott’s tweet!
I swear I’ll never understand Twitter: do I reply, respond, or tweet to them?