In Stupid News….
A man is suing Sunwing Airlines for serving him sparkling wine rather than a glass of champagne which was promised during a flight to Cuba.
The man, Daniel Macduff said he received the cheaper sparkling wine “only on the outgoing flight“, according to the BBC. Sunwing Airlines said it believes the lawsuit “to be frivolous and without merit”.
The class action lawsuit is based on misleading advertising and not the actual drink which was served.
The airline and Mr. Macduff seem to disagree on what was promised.
Real champagne, which is only made in the Champagne region of France was what Sungwing Airline was marketing, according to the article. However, the airline said in an e-mail statement that, “the terms “champagne vacations” and “champagne service” were used “to denote a level of service in reference to the entire hospitality package” and not to describe the in-flight beverages.”
Sunwing is still offering sparkling wine to southern destinations but will no longer reference champagne service in marketing campaigns.
The class action lawsuit hasn’t yet been certified by courts but it is looking for compensation for the price difference between the wine served and a glass of champagne. They also seek punitive damages.
Besides Mr. Macduff, around 1,600 others have also joined the lawsuit.
While I find this lawsuit to be pretty ridiculous, it is pretty funny. I’d love to find out how this plays out and what kind of compensation each person involved might receive. Pennies, maybe half a dollar?
Find out more from the BBC here.
woooo- I wouldn’t get mad over this, I can’t stand champagne! LOL
Stephan- LOL
Wooo – What a dumb comment. It is Sunwing – a low cost holiday destination carrier! People like this jerk on his cheapo holiday flight to a cheapo Cuban all inclusive are uber a**holes that ruin things for everyone else with their entitlement mentality.
you find it funny that people got cheated?
lol. get your priorities right.
if an airline promised you will be flown in first class.. and later only gives you economy/coach seating, and said “flying in first class meant giving you first class service and not the actualy first class seating” you will be hopping mad too!